How to unlock your hidden talents to make more money and rise beyond?

By truly understand and working on your inner strengths and values, you can make a difference in your life and become really successful in all aspects.

GL. Nga Theng
12 min readAug 29, 2020

Recently I have casual chat with one of my personal mentor and we talk about everything happened in life during this hard time with potential of Covid-19 re-bounce globally. My career path is affecting seriously and things were falling apart for quite sometimes, due to unemployment for more than 6 months and couldn't find a job, despite all the hard work and efforts putting in. The rejections made me started to doubt, whether my effort was in wrong direction and went against my inner-self. By asking help and advice from people who might gone through similar situation, survived and thrives, we talked about how to maximize our potentials and talents to actually learn and earn more to avoid financial struggles and get prepared for another big bang ahead.

He suggested a very prominent and yet secretive strategy which can effectively tap into our inner strengths and talents to bring out the “best version: of us. Those talent, strength and value already exist, even before we born to this world.

Whether you’re planning to build a new side hustle, transitioning a new career during your mid-life, moving to a new city, or starting a new relationship, you know that you don’t have much time to keep trial and errors all the time. An the best way is to dive deeper in your inner-self and re-center all your true values and passion which already lies within for long long time.

This methodology in defining my own numerology really works for me, by gathering all small tiny pieces of puzzle become a full big picture now. And it answered all my questions, truth, failures, struggles, success and happiness that I always seeking or attracted to me. As of now, I am going to discuss how your own numerology (scared geometry) is affecting your life, career, family, financial, mental, and emotion energetically.

In simple terms, numerology is a study of numbers in your life. You can uncover information about the world and also each individual person by using Numerology. Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers.

If you are familiar with Astrology, then you may know a little bit about Numerology; it is similar in quite a few ways but uses a different method to get the information and insight: Numbers.

Numerology is the idea that the universe is a system and once broken down we are left with the basic elements, which is numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals.

Finding the meaning in numbers for yourself

Numerology is the idea that the universe is a system; once broken down we are left with the basic elements, which is numbers. By understanding that everything in the world is dependent on, and can equate to numbers, a numerologist can take multiple elements of a person and break them down into meaningful numbers through various methods. These numbers can then be used to help us to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals where you can discover insights about your purpose and personality traits, by working out things like your life path number, expression number and hearts desire number among many others.

How Does Numerology Work? The Basics

How numerology works is actually quite complicated and usually requires a master numerologist to provide detailed and accurate readings. Though you can easily find your life path number and things like your expression, personality, and soul urge numbers using basic calculations, it is the way that these numbers work together that need to be interpreted properly.

The idea behind numerology is that the cosmos and your life is affected by your birth date, birth name and many other factors surrounding an individual. In this way, there are great depths that a numerology forecast can provide. Consequently, it can provide often astounding insights about somebody.

It is believed that there are no coincidences in the Universe that your name and birthday affect the journey that you will take and your characteristics, in the same way, that some look at horoscopes or astrology to interpret signs or destinies.

What A Numerology Reading Involves

A numerology reading involves a lot of calculations. These calculations can go into many layers of depth with different numbers and combinations of numbers carrying various meanings. Even a basic reading based on your core numbers can be quite revealing. However, in the same manner that numbers are infinite, someone’s numerology chart can continue to be read from many perspectives as an ongoing project.

Getting a numerology reading is actually quite fun and very interesting, especially at which has an amazing, visual platform that takes you through the journey of breaking down the 5 core elements of your chart to build your personal chart.

This is a great introduction for beginners, and it is also suited for those who want a deeper reading. Starting with your name and date of birth, they explain how your free numerology chart will not only tell you about yourself but help to provide direction in your life and well-being using a combination of your Life Path Number, Birthday Number, Soul Urge Number, Expression Number, and Personality Number (take note of this number as this will seriously impact your life).

Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

Your Numerology Life Path Number

In Numerology, your life path number is the most important number. It forms the basis of what path your life could take. Similarly, it should be reflective of who you are, or should be, in your personality and traits. A life path number also outlines any opportunities or challenges you may face, as well as any lessons you may have to learn along the way.

Each life path number has a different meaning.

It is calculated by adding up the numbers in your full date of birth.
For example, April 4th 1992, would be 4 + 4 = 8.

Then the 1992 is broken down as 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 21.

Now you add the two digits of 21 together as 2 + 1 = 3.

This is the same with any double digit numbers which you should keep adding together until you end up with a 1 digit number.
Example: 19 becomes 1 + 9 = 10, then 1 + 0 = 1).

Finally, add the 8 and 3 together for your life path number i.e. 8 + 3 = 11.

Sound complicated? It’s easier than you’d think.

You can learn more about the Numerology calculator and life path number meanings here.

Once you have determined your life plan number, you can then see what it says about you and your life. And it is surprising how accurate just knowing the general traits of your life path number can be to an individual. This is why many go on to find out more about themselves with more in-depth readings.

Your Expression Number

Also known as your destiny number, an expression number is said to delve into your abilities, desires and personal goals. It could also make you aware of any inherent traits that you may carry.

Your expression number is calculated by converting your FULL birth name (including any middle names) into numbers using the Pythagorean chart. This type of chart correlates a letter with a single digit number. Then, the total sum is broken down to a single digit number. Once again the master numbers apply to your destiny number and are not reduced any further.

Whatever expression number you are left with has a different meaning and works in combination with other core numbers to build a picture of who you are and what you’re about as a person in the wider universe.

Your Soul Urge Number

Your soul urge number is often referred to as the Heart’s Desire number in numerology. This can symbolize a reflection of your inner, or true, self. The most interesting thing about the soul urge number is that it often reveals truths in people that they only recognize once a reading is completed.

For example, your heart’s desire number may show that you actually crave power. Or, that you are much deeper and require a higher level of fulfillment. Alternatively, you may have a need to feel valued or cared for… All of these qualities can often sit beneath the surface and in revelation can be quite enlightening. Even changing the entire direction of a person’s life to find true happiness.

The calculation is similar to others using your full birth name. However, you only calculate the value of the vowels to reveal your inner urges or desires.

Your Numerology Personality Number

Your personality number in numerology is calculated using only the consonants in your full name. This is then followed by the same process of allocating a number to each letter before adding them up and breaking them down to get to a single digit number or master number.

The personality number is literally the side of you that you allow people to see. In turn this shows how others see you. What is true of most people is that we hide our true selves and therefore live under a persona. Sometimes this is done with great consideration. However, most of the time we do this without even realizing, or being entirely conscious of it. For that reason, it is often quite enlightening to see how your personality number can show the things that you ignore or don’t deal with by acting the way that you do. So, in turn, it can reveal deeper insights into your behaviors in different circumstances.

Your Birth Day Number In Numerology

Lastly but by no means least, your birthday number holds the key to you and your destiny. This number is entirely based on the exact day you were born. Combined with your life path number and other core numbers this can unveil your gifts, talents and even your entire life’s purpose.

Based on your day of birth with the month, your birthday number will tell you of specific talents and potentially where they fit into your universe in order to give yourself true purpose.

Photo by Tim Trad on Unsplash

7 Interesting Facts About Numerology

So now that you are starting to realize that the numbers in your life (whether you notice them yet or not) could have more meaning than you think, here are some interesting facts about Numerology that are worth knowing.

Fact #1: Positive And Negative Numbers

All numbers used in numerology include both positive and negative features that should be recognized. Though numbers have a balance of positive and negative throughout their whole self, it is important to know that numbers are influenced by many factors. This includes your outlook and other numbers that are correlated with your different life aspects, such as career, business, health, and love.

A true, in-depth numerology forecast will not simply focus on the positives and will consider the impact of negative numbers in your chart in order to give you the best understanding of yourself. This is where numerology is used to help people focus their lives for the better.

Fact #2: Master Numbers In Numerology

Master numbers in numerology are 11, 22 or 33. They have deep and powerful meanings. The true meanings can be good or bad depending on the context. Therefore, it is important to interpret master numbers properly. Mostly they should be used for guidance or revelation of certain circumstances that impact somebody’s life in a way that needs to be addressed.

Typically, the methods used during a numerology reading mean that double-digit numbers found in date of births (birthday numbers) are usually split apart and added together to leave a single digit number that becomes a part of the calculation. But when the result of a calculation equates to a master number, it is not reduced and will carry its own meaning.

Master number 11 can relate to “instinct” and “faith”. Similarly, it could signify fear and anxiety, so has to be carefully read.

Number 22 is the Master Builder. It is the most powerful indicator of ambition and success, though often requires guidance or different perspectives.

The number 33 has various meanings as one of your core numbers i.e. Life Path, Expression, Personality etc. Not forgetting that all of these master numbers can be combined to form entirely different meanings in partnership with others, or as a triangle of enlightenment!

Fact #3: Using Numbers As A Guide For Life

Numerology in its fullest form is much more than a reading or insight into who you are as a person. In fact, many followers and advocates of numerology include highly successful celebrities that attribute their careers to numerology. The science of numerology tells you what your barriers are. Plus, it can give you a direction based on your position in the universe, potentially attributing to this success.

Deep and powerful feelings that many initially find hard to comprehend become apparent, it can inspire people to change their direction completely and begin to treat numerology as a forecast for life.

Fact #4: Converting To Numerology

Numerologists often report that once people take the step to look further into their numerology chart, they are so taken with the revelations of some of their core desires and issues in life that they will often continue on their path of discovery and enlightenment. Once you discover the accuracy of numerology readings, you can discover the truth yourself. Plus, learn what those inner feelings have been trying to tell you all of your life.

Fact #5: Strengths And Weaknesses For Purpose

Because of the accuracy of reading and insights they reveal, friends and others that have taken numerology readings will often encourage others to look into numerology as a way to find their true strengths and weaknesses. Through this discovery alone you can give yourself a better idea of what you should and shouldn’t be doing in your life. Furthermore, this could give you greater purpose to move forward.

Fact #6: So Many Numbers And Meanings

Though there are calculators and online tools to work out your individual core numbers, it is important for people to understand that there are so many numbers and meanings behind combinations of numbers and your individual self that you need a proper numerologist to interpret these for you. Where a birthday calculator can give you that one number and its meaning can show you certain basic principles behind your character, your life path number gives that factor a different meaning or viewpoint. This is where numerology is much more insightful than horoscopes and other spiritual based methods used in a similar way.

Fact #7: Numerology From Birth

One of the most fascinating aspects of numerology is that the readings are all based around the time you entered the universe in your human form. From your birth. So whether you like your name or not, or when your birthday sits in the year, all of it has a meaning.

If it were known at your time of birth and your parents were numerologists, then effectively you would never have had to consider who you are and what you should be doing in life to make you happy, or important in the world. So be proud of your full name and whenever your birthday may fall! Numerology, and its factors suggests everything about the reason you are here at all. And it’s never too late to find out.

Numerology Reports And Calculations To Try Now

Numerology Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated…

So, do you want to tap into the 4,000 year old science of numerology analysis? There is no need to grab your calculator or do any complicated sums to work out your life numbers, it can all be done for you instantly, at no cost.

Be sure to get this report whilst it is still available. It will also provide clarity on your path of purpose, validate your daily intent and guide you on what to do now.

Get your Numerology report today.

What does your report say about you? I hope you can find your true passion and hidden talents that can be fully turned into potential opportunities and businesses to work on. Because money and happiness always follow our passion and energy that we carried, all the time.



GL. Nga Theng

Tech Strategist. Certified Reiki Energy Healer. Natural Herbalist. Building memorable land of education and healthcare in Metaverse for our next generations.