How To Stay Focused As A Work- From-Home Mom

Are you a modern mom? Are you working from home? Are you drained, tired, and frustrated? Yeah, me to!

GL. Nga Theng
6 min readJun 20, 2020

The first thing I can tell you is that you are not alone. Though you may not see anyone all day except your children or dog, you- are- not- alone. You are important, talented, and fiercely passionate about what you are doing, otherwise you wouldn’t be getting up to do it again today and you wouldn’t be reading this article, looking for ways to better yourself or someone to understand you.

I will not tell you to not FEEL alone, and I will not tell you to not FEEL discouraged or lost or frustrated, or inferior. But I will tell you to get back up. I will tell you do not BE discouraged, inferior, or lost.

We should always lean into the way we are feeling and the emotions that come up for us but we are women, we are creators and goddesses, we are the backbone of the world, we cannot let these thoughts control us. Lean into your emotion but do not let it become you.

If you are going to continue to take steps forward in your personal growth and your own business then you MUST learn from your current situation and your emotions and use them as fuel for more success.

There is no place for resentment and bitterness in the professional business world.

As work-from-home moms and boss, we carry not only the weight of our professional success on our shoulders but also the weight of everything else in the household. This can make us feel overwhelmed and pulled in a million directions. Below are some tips on how to get the most out of your professional day working from home while managing the personal stuff that comes along with it.

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Time management

Time management is the key to EVERYONE’S success (along with mindset). You have a choice everyday on how you will spend your 24 hours. Make the most out of it. That means putting down the phone and endless social media scrolling, don’t pick up the phone if it is during work hours, turn the television off, and remember your focus for the day.

When you are done one task, check it off and move to the other. Don’t give yourself time to get distracted doing something that is not on your to-do list.


Creating a pretty solid routine helps me make the most out of my mornings and sets the tone for the rest of my day. Every morning I get up, I drink a large glass of lemon water and take my supplement, I set my 5-yo daughter up with breakfast and her daily routine, I close my eyes and take a few minutes to envision how I want my day to go and then I go workout. Then it’s my breakfast, emails, social media posts, planning,writing, content research and creation and so on. Every day. I adjust as I need to (I’m not a strict monster or anything) but I try to make my mornings as consistent as possible so I have a foundation for every day.

Get out of the house

Take breaks when you need to. Get out. Take your kids to the park. Go shopping. Clear your mind. Working and living in the same four walls can drive you mad. GET OUT occasionally.

Coffee shop work

Twice a week, go find a coffee shop or someplace quiet outside of the house and go work there. Get dressed, get out, and go do your work in a different place. Do it when your spouse comes home from work, leave and do it early in the morning, if you have a babysitter ask for 2 days a week for a couple of hours, and so on. Find a way.

When my parents are available on Friday nights or weekend, I like to leave for few hours and go sit at a coffee shop where nobody is asking for snacks, water, diapers change, or homework to be done, so I can gain back some clarity and laser focus, get some work done quickly in more effective way, and feel a bit more professional and free. It helps! If you can make this happen, I highly encourage it.

Do not tend to housework

Last year I was constantly cleaning the house and bedroom EVERY SINGLE DAY. I felt like I couldn’t work or stay focused unless my “ daily job” around the house was done. I like being in an organized environment so I would do this every morning until I realized my efforts were pointless and I was losing valuable work time.

If I continued to do this, I would never move forward professionally and I would exhaust myself out. I have my private office that stays clean and untouched from the rest of my family and I have that space for clarity and work. Stay focused on your work and leave everything else for another time.

Trust me, it will be there when you are done, LOL…

Work around or with them

Many times my 5 yo girl will be content if I’m just sitting next to her or accompany her to play with toys, puzzles and online learning programs. She will play and learn while I am working on my laptop.

The beauty of working from home is that you have that flexibility to make your own schedule, take breaks when you want, work where you want- more freedom. Adapt to your ever changing environment and let the rest go. You are rocking it!

Get dressed & plan ahead

If you are the type that can work in pajamas all day and still stay motivated, then great! If not, then plan your day around also getting dressed. This ties into your routine.

At some point, go shower and get dressed and “show up” as you would outside of the home. Sometimes I feel more productive just by putting my shoes on. Also, plan ahead. You cannot do everything in one day.

Don’t make a to-do list with 20 impossible tasks. Plan your day from the easiest tasks to the hardest and go into your day knowing exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

Above all else- LOVE YOURSELF. Express gratitude towards yourself for all you are doing every single day, meditate when you feel uncertain, and always remember your WHY and who you are.

We are creators of life, goddesses of warrior, and we are the future.

Stay positive all working Mama’s!



GL. Nga Theng

Tech Strategist. Certified Reiki Energy Healer. Natural Herbalist. Building memorable land of education and healthcare in Metaverse for our next generations.