16 Simple Ways to Bring Positive Energy into Life Right Now

GL. Nga Theng
7 min readApr 27, 2020

Start to apply all these simple ways in your daily routine, maybe add one of them to your routine every time to rebuild self-discipline, confidence, and positivity. Gradually, your life routine will be more productive to achieve more while living through the pandemic peacefully now…

Photo by Tonik on Unsplash

A positive mind comes from a heart full of faith and good beliefs.

Do good and be good. Goodness is always circulate among the others and back to yourself.

If you want to stay above the line and remained positive when facing challenges and negative situations, here are the guideline of 16 practices you can do every day to help revive your positive energy and connect with your true self:

1. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Observing and appreciating the positives in our lives is an effective way to lift your spirits and provide yourself a healthy mental boost. This is leading you to vibrant at higher energy to complete your daily tasks and multiple roles that you playing at home, company, family, even society, and community.

Start to practice gratitude by being thankful for the simple things and people in your life.

2. Rest Your Mind and Take a Mental Break

Exhaustion is the silent killer of positivity and productivity. Learn to take breaks when things or emotions get overwhelming. Do something that gives your mind a break from whatever challenge you are facing. Taking a power nap or distance yourself from work could be meant for all.

3. Focus on Breathing

Breathing exercises help expel toxic air from your body and refills your body and more importantly–your brain with fresh air. It clears your mind and allows you to regain mental clarity. One moment of clarity at the right time can change everything. It helps to refresh every single tissue and body cell on you, every moment you do it.

4. Pauce Your Brain and Not to Dwell on Negativity

Avoid dwelling on downers. Downers bring you down! Your brain usually will expand more version of the initial problem that you are facing and not able to resolve.

Focusing on negatives isn’t just unpleasant, it also makes you less effective in tackling other tasks you face. Negativity produces more negativity. Bad things happen and try not to replay them over and over and fixate on un-pleasantries. Play and manifest positive scenes in your mind as of everything is working well and perfectly.

5. Back to Nature and Enjoy!

Research shows that reveling in the great outdoors promotes human health being. Spending time in serene natural environments has been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, improve working memories, and provide a sense of rejuvenation. Feel and keep the good energy when you are walking or exercising in the garden, park, or reserved forest. There is where all your negative ion and energy will go away and positive energy start flowing in.

6. Perform Random Acts of Kindness

Be kind to yourself and other people. What goes around comes around as we are all living in oneness space dimension. Finding ways to put a smile on the face of others affects you just as much as it affects them. It takes the focus off of you and your problems and allows you to be a positive force in the lives of others.

Doing good for others makes you feel good. It lifts your mood, improves self-esteem, well-being and sense of self-worth. It also serves as a small distraction from your current challenges.

7. Laugh Often

As a Chinese proverb, laughter truly is the best medicine for most of what ails us. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.

Find a way to laugh–often. Watch a comedy, spend the evening with your crazy friend who knows how to keep you in stitches. Host a game night with your friends. The energy of laughing is vibrating at higher to bring more joy and a positive influence on people surrounding you.

8. Hang Around with Positive People

Research suggests that stress is contagious— and the more you surround yourself with stress, the more likely you are to let it affect and blend with your thoughts. In the same way that stress and negativity are contagious, so is happiness.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” The bottom line here is our behavior and thought patterns mirror those we hang around. Choose carefully who you allow into your circle.

9. Take Care of Yourself Spiritually

Paying attention to and investing in yourself spiritually is something most people neglect.

You are what you eat and believe. Workout, try to get enough sleep and do all the things you should keep yourself fit and functioning physically and mentally. But part of maintaining good mental health and a positive state of mind is soul care and love.

Take time to feed your soul and keep the mind-body-spirit connection strong by engaging in spirit enhancing, contemplative activities such as meditation, prayer, reading spiritual materials, or attending spiritual services.

10. Practice Positive Self-Talk with Innerself

Talk to yourself. Tell yourself things are going to turnaround and will work out in the end.

Say it out loud. Speaking what you believe out loud reinforces and strengthens the message. You say it and hear it simultaneously. Alternately, start to convert the problems into prayers, observing your mind response towards the problems, and you will probably get the solutions from the inner voice in short time.

11. Talk to a Trusted Friend Who is positive

Find a positive friend (or small group of friends) or confidant to talk to. Talking helps you re-hear the problem, admit or discuss your feelings openly and it gives you another set of new eyes and ears working on the problem.

You may find that brainstorming with another person or even a group will help you come up with new ideas to help you resolve the issue. It also reassures you that someone has your back and that emotional support makes a difference. Think of it as a low-budget or self-made therapy.

12. Get Enough Sleep Daily, as Much as Possible

Proper rest is a critical part of maintaining a positive attitude and happy vibes. Studies have shown that even partial sleep deprivation has a significant effect on your mental state and total well-being.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania discovered that subjects who were limited to less than 5 hours of sleep a night for more than one week felt significantly more stressed, angry, sad, and mentally exhausted. It’s hard to maintain a positive mindset under those conditions. Get some sleep and make sure that is good enough for you to roll out from your bed and fight for your days!

13. Journaling & Reading

Journaling is a great way to deal with overwhelming emotions. It provides a healthy outlet in which you can express yourself and manage your emotions and overall mental health. As when you read or writing through words while screening beautiful artwork or visuals, your body and heart are going through a healing process where joy, true happiness, and inner peace are restored.

Keeping a journal and a few books on your working desk or bedside table, which can help you identify and track the causes of negative thinking and develop a mitigation plan to deal with it.

14. Treat Yourself

Rewarding yourself with “ME time” and celebrating who you are as a person is vital to sustaining a positive outlook. Find small, meaningful and healthy ways to indulge yourself from time to time. Treating yourself a high tea in 5 stars hotel, buy yourself a indulge spa package and enjoy like a KING or Queen, booking a retreat trip in the most serene resort, rewarding yourself with few set of clothing that you always dreamed of are all good effort to keep your mind away from the chaos and restore the balance in your inner-self for your hard work.

Self-love and self-care are MUST for ultimate well-being and positive vibes.

15. Move Through Your Day Mindfully

Worry and dwelling on pervasively stressful thoughts with are optimism assassins. Living mindfully involves consciously deciding to be fully present in each moment. When you throw all of your attention, energy, and resources on the now and being PRESENT, you don’t have any space for negative thoughts, non-sense, and worries anymore.

16. Celebrate Small Wins

Life is all about celebration and happiness! Who doesn’t love a good celebration? Celebrating small victories is one of the quickest ways to give negativity to the boot.

Getting out of bed peacefully and safely this morning is a win! Celebrate it. If you stayed in bed today and got a little extra rest–that too is a win! Instead of focusing on pending doom or sulking over losses–actively seek out and celebrate the things you do well and the things you did get right today.

Final thought

Every day, most of us are waking up in a similar mode and keep asking ourself with repetitive questions such as; “what day for today”? “what time is now”? “what do we eat later”? “how should we pass the day” “what can we do the kids” or even “how much money left in my account”, “where and when should I apply for a job”. All these stress will impact our mental health and the ability to get ourselves being “aware and present” at home.

We should try to shift our focus and kick-off the day with gratitude mode like:

“Whenever you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege is to be alive-to-breathe, to think, to enjoy and to love.”

Stay safe and take care!



GL. Nga Theng

Tech Strategist. Certified Reiki Energy Healer. Natural Herbalist. Building memorable land of education and healthcare in Metaverse for our next generations.